


I know them are some strong words!! I just hate how it takes over me and I succumb to the grasp of procrastination 😖 One would think that it shouldn’t be able to become free of its own since we are in control of ourselves… but, oh, how that is not the case whatsoever! 

If we don’t have the discipline/will power, the procrastination grasp can be as strong as iron 😭 

So far, after reading and listening to various books on motivation and the like, I’ve come to the point to understand that in order for me to not fall into the procrastination hole for hours is to stop IMMEDIATELY what I’m doing and consciously ask myself what is the ONE thing that needs to be completed RIGHT NOW! And 9 times out of 10, I’m successful 😁👏 It’s not perfect, but I’m okay w/ that–most things in life aren’t perfect, as long as I can do awesome most of the time, I’m happy 😊 

Sometimes, when I do the sudden stop and prioritize, I feel like it’s a mental slap 😂 Hey, whatever works! Haha! 

What’s funny about all this is that, when I don’t procrastinate, my day is almost 💯 times better! And when I do procrastinate, most of my day is kinda poopy 😣 With that said, again, I would think it would be much easier to NOT procrastinate since it causes good feelings. So, is it because it’s easier to procrastinate but the down side is that I feel like crap at the end? *SMH* So annoying! 

Who else has this problem? Share your tips! I can use all that I can get 😳😑


Audiobook Review: The Life We Bury by AllenEskens (read by Zach Villa)

I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! End of review! Haha!

I’ve been looking for a fiction book to get my hands on that would grab my attention for more than the first one or two chapters. It was close–I almost didn’t get this because the synopsis didn’t do that well to pull me in. Another thing that I was a bit concerned about was the military portion (I appreciate and respect our service women and men!)–if a book has a dominant military theme, my heart can’t handle it :/ 

Anyhow… The plot begins slowly as its setting up the characters (that’s why I always give a chapter or two before I decide if it’s worth the time); but (!) when the story really begins… I can’t wait to get into my car (where I listen to audiobooks, whilst in LA traffic) each time so I can hear more! 

Some parts may be cliche but I still love the process and storytelling! Provides just the right amount of character history and “romance” (not much at all but enough for it to add to the story, not to take away from it). 

Don’t want to say too much, would hate to give any spoilers away by accident. So, I’m just going to end it here for now.

CONCLUSION: Get this book!! You won’t be disappointed if you enjoy suspense and mystery. 

Food, Health/Fitness

Don’t Eat That Please :-/

Processed Foods Are a No-no
Hopefully the link works (found it on FB). 

In no way am I saying not to indulge in junk foods here and there, but there’s got to be better junk out there–maybe some that doesn’t promote carcinogens or disrupt cell development 😖 

I’m going to show this to Sophia and hopefully this will turn her off from wanting Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Having seen this (even though I knew it was great to eat this kind of junk), I wouldn’t feel right about giving her these things. It’d be like I’m voluntarily handing her poison 😑😑 no, thanks!! 


Daisy Waisy

Those that really know me, know that this is one of the most unusual things I would actually post on social media. 

Even though I grew up w/ dogs, I wouldn’t call myself much of a dog person–one who loves their dog as if it was their child… My daughter is VERY MUCH a dog person, interestingly enough. She’s always telling our little Daisy how much she loves her and how cute she is–it’s very cute, if I do say so myself 😀 Not so much anymore, but there was a time (about a year or 2 ago) when my daughter would keep asking how long Daisy would live and how old she’ll (my daughter) be when Daisy dies–she’s already worried about losing Daisy. Come to think of it, there’s been times that our Miss Daisy here would run off down the street and Sophia would have the most worried/terrified look on her face. 

As time goes on, I’m much more open to Daisy and love her as a family dog (not like how I love Sophia, haha!) and would be sad if something happened to her. This dog really loves us! And it’s just surprising how an animal can love a human so much–makes me think of those military dogs… You see them lying by their trainers’ coffin. It’s so sad–shows how they feel the up and down emotions as we do. How is that possible? 

Before, dog owners would tell me how they have their own personalities… I just brushed it off as if “okay, sure, whatever you say…” But, now, I know what they mean… All the different dogs do have their own personalities and develop certain traits depending on how well or how bad they’re treated. 

What I’m basically saying is that Daisy has definitely changed my view on loving one’s dog and she definitely is a family member–I use to think it was so odd that people would include their pets into any photo purposely… Now look at me, haha!! ❤


I LOVE my Friends!

Wow! It’s been too long since the last time I was on here, yikes! O_o

Had friends over today to celebrate Eli’s (the boyfriend 😛 ) b-day; and, by the end of the night, I realized how great and wonderful my friends are!! I feel so fortunate these people are in my life!! And feel grateful that I am able to attract them into my life so that I may call them my friends 🙂

I love having gatherings! Though we have to clean and whatnot, it’s SOOOOOOO worth it because I’m always happier by the end of the night–combination of good food drinks with friends like mine??? Pffft! Can’t beat that! More please! 😀

Beautiful Erica painted this cow image just as Eli wanted 🙂


Love big Mike! Can’t ever miss him 😛

Bestest kind of friends anybody could ever have! XOXO!


Daisy’s 2nd mom 😛

Priscillia & Phillip – sweeties

Group shot – friends rock!!

A sign you’re in an Asian household, lol!!

Great start to Eli’s 44th year and to 2016! Makes me want to celebrate throughout the year! Love being surrounded by awesome peeps! How did I get so lucky?? 😀




Lately, I’ve been hanging out at libraries during some of my downtime–I forgot how much I enjoy being there! 

Who else wishes they could read all the books in the world?? 😁

I much prefer it over a coffee shop (even though I love me some caffeine!) setting–much more relaxing and calm. Where I can collect my thoughts and catch up on the admin stuff of my business 😊 I’m not easily distracted as I would be if I were at a Starbucks or the like–picture that dog from Disney’s movie “Up”… “Squirrel!” Haha 😜

Since I’ve been hanging out here, I’ve also been into more books… Yay!! Whenever I read a good book, especially fiction, I’m always in awe and fascinated how incredible a writer’s mind is (I want one of those, haha!)–the stories that come together! Incredible! 

Frustrations, Rant

RANT: Whining

Dropped off my child at school today and she started whining about something… The sound of somebody whining, child or adult, immediately triggers an irritated, annoyed response from me–0 to 60 in less than 5 seconds. 

When I was younger, I don’t recall having this kind of reaction. I think a case of Pavlov’s Dog got the best of me–through the years (and still going) of having to deal with my daughter’s father (my ex) consistently blaming (not just me, but others in general), not taking responsibility, and making excuses. So, now, whenever I hear anybody (man, child, animal 😛 ) whine or make excuses for their situation, I immediately think of weakness and of the ex. 

That brings me to another thought… Age, by no means, signify a certain amount of wisdom and/or common sense. The ex is approximately 10 years older than I, and still behaves the way he does! Meaning, he still won’t take responsibility for his own life situation! When we get into a spat, almost everything that’s going wrong in his life comes down to something that I did to him. That’s a joke in itself! If that were the case and I had that much power over him, trust me, I wouldn’t waste it on making his life hard (through his eyes) but I would make him make my life easier as co-parents, haha! 

Sometimes, thinking of the years ahead that I’ll have to deal with him, makes me so angry!! But nobody brought that on other than myself–I’M the one that chose to date him and I’M the one that chose to have a child with him. But I suppose that’s just the price I have to pay for having a near-perfect child. 



11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

Numero 11 of my “Words of a Wise Person” series…

I know plenty a-time when my past screwed me over in my present… booooooo! What comes to mind right now is the now famous Frozen song… you know which one I’m talking about! Why do we torture ourselves and hold on to what hurts us?? We should definitely learn from our past, get the lesson, and “let it go!”

But, nooooo… we got to hold on to what hurt us (or who). As adults, believe it or not, we have the ability to CHOOSE what we do now! We may have been wronged in some way in the past, but who really wants to use the past as a crutch as to why we’re flawed today? Really? Just typing that out now, it sounds so silly in my head that I’m going to say I’m messed up in such and such way because of what happened to me twenty years ago. I understand that some people go through harsh things that I’ve only seen in the movies or read in books, but if one doesn’t have the strength to find a better path, why not seek help?

I certainly want to be better… don’t you? I want to be free of past hurt… don’t you? I want to live freely in the present… don’t you? I want to look ahead and see infinite possibilities instead of trying to go forward but looking in the rear-view mirror… don’t you?

Moving forward, I want to move forward and look in front. Once I gain the insight/lesson of what has happened, I want to “let it go.” Time doesn’t stop, I want to live for now and not looking back and regretting and questioning the what-ifs. I don’t want to waste any more time in the past when I can enjoy the present! 🙂


10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile

If you haven’t already been following along… this is post #10 for my“Words of an Old Person” series…

Some of the bad things we do to ourselves can actually turn out to be good things. Life doesn’t always have to be as strict as we make it–there’s not only black and white, there’s gray. And sometimes, it’s in the gray where all the fun is! Yes, rules must be followed and some are a MUST (ie can’t just decide you want to drive on the wrong side of the road just because you feel like it, or committing an act that is harmful to another or to oneself) but some should definitely be broken. It’s the breaking of the “rule” that brings a thrill for just that little bit… a little excitement never killed anybody!

Of course, there’s no need to get extreme and eat 5 lbs of chocolate in one sitting… but a few bites ain’t gonna hurt ya!
